Brain Retraining/Limbic System
When inhaled or ingested, mold produces mycotoxins, toxic substances that can affect the nervous system. A study published in Clinical Therapeutics has shown that prolonged exposure to mold and mycotoxins can lead to various neurological symptoms and conditions. Thankfully there are systems that can help “rewire or retrain” the brain and nervous system to calm things down, while you’re physically healing. Some of the programs are free or inexpensive like EFT and DNRS. Another favorite is Primal Trust. Breathing techniques, grounding and yoga are also affordable ideas to try!
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Instead of chasing symptoms, the DNRS approach directly targets brain function in order to regulate a maladapted stress response, which is often the missing piece for people suffering with chronic illness. The DNRS program teaches you how to rewire the limbic system and change the structure and function of your brain. This allows your body to move from a state of survival to a state of growth and repair, where true healing can take place.

Primal Trust
A transformative approach encompasses brain retraining, holistic nervous system regulation, somatic practices, vagus nerve healing, and true self-discovery. Learn to consciously self-regulate your biology and heal from chronic symptoms to unlock a new chapter of well-being and empowerment

A tapping technique that works to regulate our nervous system by stimulating acupoints. EFT tapping is extremely versatile as a supplement to existing therapeutic interventions and as an effective self-help technique for immediate relief of distressful symptoms outside the clinical setting…Check out this video by Dr. Jackson