Clear Mold is Here to Help!
The Place for Resources, Products and Lasting Support and for
Your Body I Your Space I Your Life
To help those that are facing mold health issues, moldy environments or need affordable, ongoing help. Our entire team has been through it and we are here to help. We are a Charleston, SC based organization familiar with mold health recovery with the toolbox, resources and guidance for your needs.
Clear Mold is here!
Looking for cost-effective help to order tests, professional products or seeking guidance? We offer guides, discounts, and support to help you recover and stay on track.
Clear Mold is here to help!
Why Clear Mold?
Recovering from mold and Candida is a marathon, not a sprint. We seek to help you shorten your journey, save money and time. Our site is designed to guide you through your journey to success PLUS our Clear Mold help desk is here as well, click the Get Help (word bubble on mobile) on the bottom right.
Clear Mold Benefits:
Expert support for all levels mold care
Discounts on labs and products
Community connection
Resources for body, home, and travel
MoLo Eats: a fresh, low-carb, anti-fungal lifestyle
Connect with practitioners versed in mold/Candida issues if needed
Got questions? Need help getting through our site? Click Get Help (word bubble on mobile) in the bottom right corner, we will be happy to help!
Who has Mold?
Pioneers like Doug Kauffman, author of “The Fungus Link” help us to see that mold is connected to many health issues even years later after the event.
Mold affects up to 70% of households in the US and around the world.
2024 has been a hard hit year with flooding affecting millions in the US. We expect new stats will reach much higher.
Our co-founder, Karen Hubert CNHP, NC, a Holistic Nutritionist has her own connection to dramatic mold illness and own wheelchair to wellness story from mold and Candida. After healing, Karen worked 30 years in the industry including clinics in Charleston, SC. Along with personal and clinical experience Karen worked with (Great Plains Lab) now Mosaic® and Biocidin Botanicals®. In those 16 combined years as clinical consultant lead, she worked with hundreds of lab results, protocols and developed successful outcomes with practitioners. Karen provided that information in practitioner training at IFM, IMMH, IAOMT London and other practitioner conferences across the US.
Start your journey to Mold and Candida recovery with Clear Mold!